Friday, October 23, 2009

Lot of New things coming after New Year!!

I have been so busy this summer with traveling, family, and wedding planning I have not been able to work on many other things. I was able to take custom orders (and still am) but not focus on creating more stock to choose from.

After the New Year I will be updating the blog and website with Birthday Outfits, Themed Picture Outfits, Shower gifts, Timecapsules, Princess Pails!, and MUCH MUCH more!!!

Hope everyone is having a great fall and enjoys their holidays!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sewing & Going

It seems like everytime I start out to want to get new pics up of update certain things STUFF happens.. You knlow the kind of stuff that you cannot get away from getting taken care of first...
We went on vacation.. had to do.LOL
Had to unpack and clean up house
had to repack to go out of town for wedding and family thing in East Texas..
And that is where I am now.. In a hotel room..., On the computer waiting for Harper, the terrible but lovable 2yr old, to fall asleep (yes at 1130) so I can sew!
ON top of it all we have 5 puppies that started eating food this week so we are having dbl doggie duty until they go to their new homes...(fingers crossed for next week)
I would also like to add that I am in LOVE with Brent SO much this week.. He is a wonderful man and father! He does so much so that our family can be happy and enjoy the finer things in life (EXCEPT A CELL PHONE FOR A 9YR OLD... seriously people.. you give a CHILD a cell phone bc he "has to have one" , how did you ever grow up without one in the 70's 80's or 90' my Tower ...sorry)

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Products Coming Soon!!

Ok, after talking with a friend and researching all night I have decided to add a few things to the shelf! I have found a pattern for pettiskirts to start making them for all those little princesses!!
! I know that most around DFW are sold for around $60(baby)-$125(young girl) so I am going to be a little competitive and sell them for less!!! Probably going to start off with 12mth-3yrs and do Onesie Pettieskirts for the bambino's!
I will have samples up on website by end of July for all to see!
Peace and Love to All!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Starting up the new Blog!

I have become infatuated with our photographer/friend's blog in the recent months. I cannot wait to see when she posts new photos from her most recent sessions or announces a new mini shoot.
SO I decided to create one for Tadpole Kisses & Fairytale Wishes so that everyone can keep up with the lastest and greatest creations I come up with.

Staying in hotels I have "free time" when Harper goes to bed so I kinda get my "sew on" in the room.. I made three new dresses on Monday night (which I will be posting tomorrow). 

I am going to be updating thing on weekly basis, maybe even a few times a week. Now that life has settled back into some sort of normal routine I can get things ready for the upcoming holidays and craft shows... 

In September I am going to need models for my dresses and jumpers. As well as girls for Tutu's. I will post more info on that to come but if your interested PLEASE send me a picture of your child so we can get something made for them to wear!!
Love to all!!